The future starts now

toward human flourishing

There is one pressing outcome in healthcare: keeping people from becoming patients.There is one compelling vision: human flourishing.

our nations

Nations worldwide have invested trillions in building high-performing medical care systems. These systems are necessary for a just and equitable society, but more is needed. Our societies bear the increasing weight of heart disease, pulmonary disease, obesity, diabetes, and mental health issues. Our medical care systems are buckling under this burden.

are burdened

Our pharma, life sciences, insurance, medical device, and technology business enterprises are harvesting billions in profits from illness and disease. Yes, we must treat. These resources and systems are critical. Each has a role to play. However, for future generations, we must also prevent. To ensure the sustainability of our expanding medical care systems, we must make them increasingly unnecessary.

there is a better way

healthcare transformation

Fortunately, a collective effort is underway. Individuals and organizations are uniting, and their dedication is sowing the seeds of a healthier future, promising a transformative shift in the healthcare landscape. We invite you to join this movement.Here, you will find a global community of people, companies, and organizations deeply committed to leveraging the most advanced learning in systems, design, social physics, behavioral science, cognitive computing, ethics, economics, and evolving deep technology.We convene to envision an ecosystem for flourishing. We create to bring this ecosystem to life.

envisioning and creating an ecosystem for human flourishing

person centered objectives (at scale)

  • Increase individual health literacy that is actionable and rooted in our lived environments.

  • Strengthen personal health agency to affirm each individual as the most influential and essential in their health journey.

  • Resource and incentivize healthy daily micro-choices in each individual's lived environment (in a way that is connected to and strengthened by a trusted and supportive community).

  • Create a meaningful and personal indicator of health (health score) that is clinically accurate, current, accessible in real-time, insightful, actionable, and with all supporting health data owned by the individual.

community resourced objectives (at scale)

  • Convene and orchestrate an ecosystem created solely to keep people from becoming patients.

  • Resource and conduct a portfolio of experiments to achieve one compelling vision: human flourishing.

  • Along this journey, adopt and act on a shared commitment to personal and corporate authenticity, integrity, generosity, curiosity, and accountability.

  • Passionately protect and bring to life a long-term vision (purposely building beyond quarterly reports, annual earnings, political party terms, or personal lifetimes) for the benefit of future generations.

A flourishing life

Ours is a journey of stewardship. If you are interested in joining, please provide your contact information. We will provide more detailed information in the months ahead. As we plan our launch (Q4 2024) we expect to engage you to discover the information, experiences, and opportunities you find most compelling and valuable.By joining, you will not only have access to a growing curated community and insight into the latest developments toward flourishing at scale, but you will also have the opportunity to shape the future we all desire.The best is yet to be.